jeudi 23 février 2017

what is Causes of mesothelioma

Causes of mesothelioma

Asbestos exposure

Mesothelioma is very strongly linked with asbestos exposure. Almost everyone diagnosed with mesothelioma was exposed to asbestos.
Asbestos is a mineral rock made up of masses of tiny fibres. For many decades, asbestos was mined and widely used in building materials and for insulation, fireproofing and sound absorption. It was used to insulate buildings, ships, car parts, household appliances and power stations.
There are three types of asbestos - blue, brown and white. All are linked to mesothelioma although blue and brown are more commomly linked. The health hazards of asbestos have become clear in recent decades.
Asbestos has been banned in Australia since 2004 and it is now illegal here to store, mine, import, sell, install or reuse any products containing asbestos. Any asbestos products already in place are allowed. However, great care needs to be taken if anything known to contain asbestos is to be disturbed or pulled down. There are strict regulations associated with removal and disposal of asbestos for areas greater than 10m2. See our ‘Services and information' section.
Most people are at low risk of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma. People who've been exposed to asbestos in their jobs are at greater risk. Such jobs include:
  • mining or milling asbestos
  • manufacture and repair of goods using raw asbestos fibres, such as brake linings
  • use of products containing asbestos, like in building and construction,
  • heating, shipyards, power stations, boiler making, gas fittings and plumbing
  • alteration, repair or demolition of buildings or other structures containing asbestos.
It may take over 20 years after exposure for any disease caused by asbestos to become evident (it can take up to and over 50 years).
However, most workers exposed to asbestos won't develop an asbestos-related disease.

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